Assessment, reassessment and reablement
Howz helps care providers create accurate, personalised plans for individuals.
By giving care teams clear insights, Howz boosts efficiency, improves resource use, and ensures people get the right support at the right time.
We provide ongoing support for people with dementia and other long-term conditions, helping them stay independent for longer.

Assessment and reassessment
Howz assists front-line services in accurately assessing new users' needs, ensuring the appropriate level of care is prescribed.
Our technology is prescribed for a short term view for an impartial view of someone’s requirements around the clock. The findings directly enable care teams to prioritise resources effectively by supporting those with the highest care needs, optimising the allocation of large care packages and avoiding unnecessary
Leveraging expertise in sleep health, Howz provides accurate sleep data to offer users a safety net and reduce the need for overnight sitters.
Our council clients have benchmarked an average 1066% return on investment from direct savings and cost avoidance.

Reablement and admission avoidance
Howz facilitates safe and timely hospital discharge for individuals with cognitive impairments, enabling a smooth transition home as soon as it is safe.
Our adaptable care prescriptions support homes with spousal carers and multi-occupancy housing and can integrate with health and environmental sensors for enhanced monitoring.
Our platform aids local care organisations in providing targeted support for individuals at risk of hospital admission, reducing unnecessary admissions and readmissions.
Every user discharged with Howz avoids further time away from home and can return to their lives faster.
Long term condition monitoring and dementia care
Powered by advanced machine learning, Howz identifies underlying changes that may indicate the progression of a long-term condition.
Through our long-term partnership with the Dementia Research Institute, Howz has unmatched experience in supporting dementia patients to live safely at home for as long as possible.
Our published studies validate the use of our technology for dementia, stroke and UTI detection.
What Howz customers are saying

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